Complaints data - Clear and Highway

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Type of complaint Number of complaints opened by volume of business Number of complaints opened     Number of complaints closed Percentage closed within 3 days Percentage closed after 3 days but within 8 weeks Percentage upheld Main cause of complaints opened
Insurance 0.62 complaints per 1,000 policies in force 498 565 32% 46% 45% General Admin/Customer Service - Delays/timescales


We've used the definition "Insurance & Pure Protection" set by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in the table above. The definitions are designed so you can compare complaints across different companies. Insurance & Pure Protection includes complaints about our motor insurance and property insurance policies.

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Type of complaint Number of complaints opened by volume of business Number of complaints opened     Number of complaints closed Percentage closed within 3 days Percentage closed after 3 days but within 8 weeks Percentage upheld Main cause of complaints opened
Insurance & Pure Protection 0.84 complaints per 1,000 policies in force 783 850 27% 47% 48% General Admin/Customer Service - Delays/timescales

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Type of complaint Number of complaints opened by volume of business Number of complaints opened     Number of complaints closed Percentage closed within 3 days Percentage closed after 3 days but within 8 weeks Percentage upheld Main cause of complaints opened
Insurance & Pure Protection 0.81 complaints per 1,000 policies in force 925 874 28% 46% 52% General Admin/Customer Service - Delays/timescales

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Type of complaint Number of complaints opened by volume of business Number of complaints opened     Number of complaints closed Percentage closed within 3 days Percentage closed after 3 days but within 8 weeks Percentage upheld Main cause of complaints opened
Insurance & Pure Protection 0.69 complaints per 1,000 policies in force 832 702 37% 53% 47% General Admin/Customer Service - Delays/timescales

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Type of complaint Number of complaints opened by volume of business Number of complaints opened     Number of complaints closed Percentage closed within 3 days Percentage closed after 3 days but within 8 weeks Percentage upheld Main cause of complaints opened
Insurance & Pure Protection 0.60 complaints per 1,000 policies in force 781 825 32% 56% 52% General Admin/Customer Service - Delays/timescales