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Cranes at sunrise

Allianz insight | May 01, 2024

With warmer weather on the horizon, share our guide with your customers to make sure they’re up to date with subsidence prevention. It contains useful information and tips on early detection which can make a big difference to their homes.
smiling woman in a meeting

Allianz insight | Apr 04, 2024

Brendan Husband-Whiting, senior Directors & Officers liability account underwriter at Allianz, outlines the risks directors and officers are facing and explains why insurance cover has never been so important.
man holding neck in car

Allianz Insight | Mar 28, 2024

In this article, James Burge, head of counter fraud, Allianz Insurance plc, outlines what constitutes fraudulent exaggeration, the impacts on the policyholder and how we should work together to reduce the frequency of claim exaggeration.

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From emerging risks to business and market issues, our webinars provide you with practical guidance,
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man looking out of a window

Company directors need to be aware of the evolving risk landscape and take the necessary measures to ensure that their businesses, as well as their personal assets are protected.

Join our D&O experts, Joe Roberts, Luke Hayne and Brendan Husband-Whiting, who shared current and emerging trends with market isnights.

man and woman viewing a report
Join our Allianz Trade experts, Ana Boata, global head of economic research, and Stephen Bramall, credit director, UK and Ireland, as they cover the UK economic outlook 2024-25, what trade credit insurance is and why sell it as a broker, plus answer your questions.
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Autonomous vehicles or self-driving cars are supposed to be just round the corner, but we’ve been saying this ever since the first episode of Insurance Tomorrow.

They may seem like something from science fiction, but a few specialised examples could hit the roads in a few years time. The benefits and implication the technology could bring are huge, but so are the challenges for the insurance industry...

In the last episode of Insurance Tomorrow for 2023, we look back at some of the most significant issues we have discussed over the past year, as we examine some of the most important global trends in the months and years to come and explore how they might affect the insurance industry.

Our host - Steph McGovern - discussed the cost of living crisis, the skills shortage, artificial intelligence, and even recorded an episode live at the BIBA conference, plus much more besides.

insurance tomorrow teaser with Steph
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A range of tools and guidance to help brokers and customers manage business risks, comply with relevant legislation and keep staff and customers safe. 

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