Broker Highway Specialist Vehicle insurance

  • Classic car
  • American cars
  • Kit cars
  • Owners' Club
  • Off road vehicles
  • Vintage & Veteran
  • Ex-military
  • Rally and competition cars
  • Custom cars
  • Motorhomes and campers 

If you’re a broker who specialises in Specialist Vehicle insurance and would like access to our Broker Highway Specialist Vehicle product, get in touch with your account manager today. Availability is subject to review as this is a limited access product.  

If you're a Personal Lines General Insurance broker looking for an agency with us, you can begin your journey here

 0330 678 5556

Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm

Calls will be recorded

Find out how our dedicated sole sites will give you and your customers that extra peace of mind.
image of a people inspecting a lift
Wide-ranging and flexible cover that you can trust
Cover designed for life on two wheels 

The total solution for your customers' commercial vehicle
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