Our commitment to


We are constantly working to make sure that our site is accessible to as many of our visitors as possible.

Please help us find and fix any accessibility issues. If you have any questions or suggestions regarding the accessibility of this site, please let us know so we can improve our website for everyone by emailing accessibility@allianz.co.uk.


Our website
We've tested our pages on a wide range of browsers to ensure compatibility, including:
Microsoft Edge
Google Chrome
(PC and Android)
(Mac and iOS)
However, if you do find an issue, please get in touch and let us know.

If you need to use your own text size settings, you can change them easily. However, you may find this can cause adverse effects in the browser and certain content may not be displayed.

How to increase the size of text in your desktop browser:

Use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl and + to increase font size, and Ctrl and - to decrease font size. (For Safari, replace Ctrl with the Apple key.) Alternatively, you can use browser tools:

  • Internet Explorer: View > Text size
  • Google Chrome: Customise (symbolised by a vertical line of three dots) > Zoom
  • Safari: View > Make Text Bigger
  • Firefox: View > Text Size > Increase Font
  • Opera: View > Preferences > Fonts > Minimum Font Size
We have tried to ensure maximum contrast between foreground and background coloured items to assist reading text content on our site.

If you are using assistive technologies you’ll find a 'Skip to main content' link at the start of each page.

You can navigate every page of our website using a keyboard, mouse, or other assistive devices.

Keyboard shortcuts

Your shortcuts will depend upon the browser you're using - select from there options to find lists:

Mobile devices have quite advanced accessibility features. You can find out more on these pages:

Sign language
SignVideo - Communicating equality (logo)
SignVideo gives our Deaf British Sign Language (BSL) customers easy access to an online interpreter allowing them to communicate with us using BSL. The service allows Deaf BSL customers to sign to an interpreter and the interpreter speaks to an adviser. It’s simple, fast and secure.

PC or Mac

  • webcam
  • broadband connection
  • either Microsoft Internet Explorer (version 7 or above), Chrome (PC only) or Safari browser
  • Live plug-in - this enables good video quality and ensures your calls are secure; You'll get instructions to download it the first time you connect to the web access page.


  • The SignVideo app from either the Google Play Store for Android, or Apple's App Store for iPhone.

Internet bandwidth

  • At least 256kbp/s upload and download (although we recommend 384kbp/s for best quality).
Guides and downloads for various devices are available from SignVideo.co.uk/downloads.

(Available 8am to 6pm, Monday to Friday, excluding Bank Holidays)

For help using this service, watch the video below or get in touch with SignVideo by emailing help@signvideo.co.uk or calling 0208 463 1120.

Document formats

We can provide documents in braille, large font and audio formats.

If you require this service, please let your insurance intermediary, or the provider you used to arrange your insurance policy, know.

If you need further assistance you can contact Allianz Document Management Services by email documentchanges@allianz.co.uk

If you are a personal insurance broker you can get support for your customers from personalbrokerpolicybooks@allianz.co.uk. 

We’ll accommodate requests for alternative formats wherever possible.