Looking for our opening hours? Whether you need assistance with a claim, a quote, or any other service, our team is here to help. Check our opening hours over this festive period to find out the best time to reach us and get the support you need.
Monday 23 December |
Tuesday 24 December (Xmas Eve) |
Wednesday 25 December (Xmas Day) |
Thursday 26 December (Boxing Day) |
Friday 27 December |
Saturday 28 December |
Sunday 29 December |
Monday 30 December |
Tuesday 31 December (New Year's Eve) |
Wednesday 1 January (New Year's Day) |
Thursday 2 January |
Friday 3 January |
Saturday 4 January |
Sunday 5 January |
Monday 6 January |
Broker Personal Operations opening hours
9am to 5pm |
9am to 1pm |
Closed |
Closed |
9am to 5pm |
Closed |
Closed |
9am to 5pm |
9am to 5pm |
Closed |
9am to 5pm |
9am to 5pm |
9am to 5pm |
9am to 5pm |
9am to 5pm |
Existing Home Claims
8am to 6pm |
8am to 5pm |
Closed |
Closed |
8am to 6pm |
8am to 4pm |
Closed |
8am to 6pm |
8am to 5pm |
Closed |
8am to 6pm |
8am to 6pm |
8am to 4pm |
Closed |
8am to 6pm |
Existing Standard Motor Claims
8am to 6pm |
8am to 6pm |
Closed |
Closed |
8am to 6pm |
8am to 1pm |
Closed |
8am to 6pm |
8am to 6pm |
Closed |
8am to 6pm |
8am to 6pm |
8am to 1pm |
Closed |
8am to 6pm |
Existing Non-Standard Motor Claims
8am to 6pm |
8am to 6pm |
Closed |
Closed |
8am to 6pm |
Closed |
Closed |
8am to 6pm |
8am to 6pm |
Closed |
8am to 6pm |
8am to 6pm |
Closed |
Closed |
8am to 6pm |
Connect with us.
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It must not be made available to anyone other than the intended recipient, either in its original form or any reproduction.