Gigging - do’s and don’ts

Performing is a huge part of being a musician, and at times it can be very nerve-wracking. We’ve put together some performance do's and don’ts to help you deal with stage fright.
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Car safety

Digital theft techniques are on the rise. We know it can be hard to keep up to date with what precautions should be taken to help keep your musical instrument and equipment safe. Don’t panic! We’ve done some research and pulled together the key updates you should be aware of.
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Interview with Alexander Campkin - Composer in Residence of BSO Resound

Alexander Campkin is Composer in Residence of BSO Resound, his new work, trembling, hoping, lingering, flying, was premiered by BSO Resound in November 2019.
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Interview with Charlotte Bott, BSO Resound Linnstrument Player

Charlotte Bott, BSO Resound's Linnstrument player, spoke to us about the Linnstrument, an electronic instrument that she believes has the power to open up a whole new musical genre.
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Flying with musical instruments

We know what a challenge it can be to fly with your precious instrument - we’ve all heard the horror stories. That’s why we’ve created this simple checklist so you can do your best to make sure your instrument is protected when travelling by air.
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Instrument care and security

No matter what you play it’s important to look after your instrument and keep it in tip-top condition. Musical instruments are precisely made and require maintenance to stay in perfect playing order. Here are our tips to make sure you are getting the most out of your instrument.
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83 releases in total