Expensive instruments

Did you know a violin made from Winston Churchill's cigar box sold at auctioin for 13 times the reserve price! Here’s our list of the most expensive instruments of their kind ever sold at auction.
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Scary instruments

Ever wondered how they make the scary music in horror, sci-fi and thriller films? Alongside computer generated sounds and synthesisers, film composers sometimes use obscure instruments to create some of the creepiest sounds.
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Unusual instruments

There are so many weird and wonderful instruments across the world (did you know we currently insure over 400 different types of instruments!) so we’ve taken the opportunity to research some of them.
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Travel and theft advice

Theft, loss or damage of an instrument is a musician’s worst nightmare. We’ve created this guide to help you protect your instrument whilst you’re out and about.
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Our top 7 guitar performance essentials

Guitarists are daring musicians, but there are some things you should never take to the stage without.
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83 releases in total