Why is insurance useful if I'm not gigging?

If you’re covered it means you can get straight back to doing what you love when venues reopen and you’re able to get back to gigging, recording or teaching.
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Teaching at home advice

We spoke to music teachers across the UK to get their top tips on how to make online lessons as good as they possibly can be.
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Home recording for beginners

If you're new to home recording here are a few tips to help you get started.
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60s FM

Celebrating 60 years of musical instrument insurance and we're super excited to announce the launch of 60's FM!!
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Work and band life: Finding the balance

Finding the balance between work and band life can be a challenge. Here's some handy tips.
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Working 9-5 or is it 5-9?

Trying to keep your music career going with another day to day job can be difficult. Being a professional musician means touring, gigging and making music at all times of the day, it can be tough finding a job to fit!
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83 releases in total