Insight and expertise

Covering a range of topics from emerging trends to sustainability and more, our insight articles will bring you key developments and our industry expertise. 

using calculator

Jun 13, 2022

Can't touch this - insuring intangible assets

The digital revolution, coupled with unprecedented events in the socio-economic environment over the last two years, has resulted in a significant shift towards the insurance of intangibles.
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traffic on motorway

Jun 07, 2022

UK Real Estate Market - 2022 key trends and insights

Changes in macro-environment factors can have a direct impact on UK Real Estate. Our experts take a look at some key trends and insights currently impacting our Real Estate customers.
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traffic on motorway

Apr 27, 2022

New laws clamp down on distracted driving

How many of us would admit to occasionally being distracted behind the wheel? Perhaps whilst singing along to a favourite song, ‘rubber-necking’ whilst passing a road accident or taking in the scenery. But arguably one of the biggest potential distractions for a driver is their mobile phone.
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digger on construction site

Mar 31, 2022

Why is index linking so important to customers?

Price increases and inflation are inextricably linked to indexation, which is used by the insurance industry to help customers avoid the risk of underinsurance. We look at the factors influencing indexation and the importance for customers of making certain that they're adequately insured
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digger on construction site

Feb 28, 2022

Why construction theft is still a problem

Construction sites continue to be targeted by criminals who recognise the financial value of plant machinery and equipment, costing millions for the industry.
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cranes during sunrise

Feb 22, 2022

Supporting customers with eco-construction: an insurance view

An increasing priority for many industries is being able to demonstrate the steps they’re taking to become more sustainable and reduce their carbon footprint. The construction industry is no exception.
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wind turbines in scotland

Feb 17, 2022

Will batteries power our greener future?

An alternative to fossil fuels is an emerging technology referred to as 'Battery Energy Storage Systems' or 'BESS' for short. But are these devices really a 'silver bullet' or a hazard waiting to happen?
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motorway at sunrise

Jan 26, 2022

New year, new rules for road users

Many drivers may be unaware of an imminent update to the Highway Code, which comes into force from 29 January. We have summarised the new updates and rules to consider.
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Jan 25, 2022

The top ten risks for UK businesses in 2022

The Allianz Risk Barometer is an annual report identifying the top corporate risks for the next 12 months and beyond, based on the insight of more than 2,650 risk management experts from 89 countries and territories.
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146 releases in total