Halfords offer

Take a look at the latest Halfords offer for Allianz car insurance - it's our way of saying thanks and giving back

8% off instore purchases
Voucher can be used on multiple purchases *
Use towards a new bike, helmet, or even motor products like oils and cleaning products. Plus much, much more...

This voucher entitles you to 8% Off in-store at Halfords.

It cannot be redeemed online. Barcode can be retained and used multiple times. Expires 31.10.2025. Exclusions apply including All Tech items, Dashcams, Sat Navs, Audio & Stereo products, Cycling Tech, Electric Cycles and Scooters. It cannot be used in conjunction with Cycle2Work, Halfords Gift cards or any other voucher, promotion, colleague discount or exchanged for cash. Photocopies will not be accepted. Offer is valid until further notice. This voucher will only be valid when supported by proof of entitlement.(i.e displaying a Flow branded email or Allianz car insurance with your full name on it). Halfords reserve the right to withdraw or change the offer at any time without notice.

Note to store: Coupon/Voucher button not required for this offer. Enter barcode as a product item to automatically deduct discount from eligible items. Valid until 31.10.2025.