Insight and expertise

Covering a range of topics from emerging trends to sustainability and more, our insight articles will bring you key developments and our industry expertise. 

person on laptop

Jan 16, 2024

The top risks for UK businesses in 2024

The Allianz Risk Barometer, an annual report identifying the top corporate risks for the year ahead, has identified the top risks for businesses in 2024. Here we look at the top ten risks identified by UK participants.
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people at train station

Jan 11, 2024

Five ways to reduce the risk of plant theft

UK plant theft is currently at an all-time high with an 80% increase in enquiries relating to stolen machinery being reported over the past 12 months. We’ve detailed five easy steps to reduce the risk of becoming a victim.
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people at train station

Nov 15, 2023

The benefits of business continuity planning

Life has a nasty habit of throwing you a curve ball when you least expect it, and it’s no different for businesses. Natural disasters, machinery failures and cyber attacks can happen at any time, but when you’re prepared for them, a disruptive event which might have meant disaster becomes just another bump in the road.
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hydrogen fuelled buses

Nov 10, 2023

Hydrogen vehicles and mobility

Hydrogen is an important part of the UK’s plans to achieve its net zero target. But, while this means they could be part of the carbon reduction solution, it’s important to understand the risks and challenges they bring.
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Nov 02, 2023

Concerned about crumbling concrete?

Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC) has made the headlines recently for all the wrong reasons. This is due to concerns about the risk of sudden collapse in schools and other buildings where the material is used.
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Oct 27, 2023

Theft is on the rise, so what can you do to protect yourself?

Over the past twelve months the UK has faced a number of unsettling economic changes. In this series we’ll investigate the most common types of theft that we’re seeing and advise on how best to mitigate them. Here we look at Commercial Property.
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man waiting at airport for flight

Oct 18, 2023

The benefits of travel insurance for SMEs and five steps to manage travel risks

With the arrival of hybrid and remote working, many employees are choosing to work from home, but the benefits of travelling for business and face-to-face communication often outweigh the convenience of virtual meetings.
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man working on construction

Oct 12, 2023

Why health and safety should be a priority for every business

Every business has a legal duty to ensure the health and safety of both employees and members of the public. While accidents do happen, adopting a robust approach to workplace health and safety is key to keeping employees safe.
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Sep 27, 2023

The risks of renewables: Top five risks of solar energy

In this article we’ll explore the top 5 risks of solar energy, and highlight why there’s a need for stronger industry standards in the renewables field.
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146 releases in total