Insight and expertise

Covering a range of topics from emerging trends to sustainability and more, our insight articles will bring you key developments and our industry expertise. 

block of modern flats

Sep 21, 2023

Fire safety and the professional indemnity market

The Grenfell tragedy has resulted in new legislation, requiring higher standards around fire safety. Luke Hayne, senior financial lines underwriter at Allianz, explains the ramifications for the professional indemnity market and how brokers can support their customers.
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row of shops in cardiff

Sep 20, 2023

Legal advice - the difference between surviving and thriving

With so many firms feeling the strain, it’s likely that the litigation floodgates will now be open. In this article we address how these pressures are affecting property owners, the construction industry, and employers in general, along with the benefits of seeking legal advice to avoid costly litigation.
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wind turbines in the morning

Sep 19, 2023

The risks of renewables: Top five risks of wind energy

Here we explore the top five risks associated with the use of wind energy and explain why there is a need for stronger standards within the wind power and renewables sector.
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row of terraced houses

Aug 21, 2023

Cannabis farms and the importance of tenant referencing

The illegal cultivation of cannabis is a growing problem. Since the Covid pandemic, police are increasingly finding smaller scale cannabis farms in residential private rented properties. So what can landlords do to reduce the risk?
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car paint job in a dust free environment

Jul 27, 2023

Underinsurance - a big issue for small businesses

All businesses are open to risk if they don’t have the correct level of insurance for their needs and may be at risk of financial hardship as a result. Here are some considerations SMEs can take to help avoid being underinsured.
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car paint job in a dust free environment

Jul 05, 2023

Sustainability in the motor repair industry

Rising repair costs are putting pressure on the motor insurance sector, with the latest figures from the Association of British Insurers showing that the current average private motor insurance premiums are 15% higher compared to Q1 2022.
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new build apartments

Jun 09, 2023

Buildings Safety Act 2022 – 10 key changes

Following the Grenfell Tower tragedy, an independent review culminated in a report that identified the need for significant reform. The findings of the report were accepted in full by the UK government, leading in turn to the Building Safety Act 2022.
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engineers walking towards windmills

May 23, 2023

What's the difference between engineering inspection and maintenance?

Engineering inspection and maintenance are both essential for many businesses but people often confuse the two. In this article we’ll outline the differences between inspection and maintenance and explain why and when each should be carried out.
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business women and men in business meeting

May 22, 2023

Directors and officers insurance insights 2023

Being the director, partner or officer of a company is a great way to shape a business and contribute to its success. But, as these individuals are also personally liable for the actions they take in their roles, understanding and mitigating these risks is essential.
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146 releases in total