Insight and expertise

Covering a range of topics from emerging trends to sustainability and more, our insight articles will bring you key developments and our industry expertise. 

Apr 24, 2023

Protecting customer data - 8 tips from Allianz

Data is a valuable corporate resource. However, data collection carries a range of potential risks that businesses must plan for, including data breaches.
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Apr 18, 2023

Risks of being both Underinsured and Uninsured

The cost of living is at an all-time high and as a result we’re seeing evidence of businesses either reducing their cover, or cutting it completely. BIBA’s 2023 Manifesto, states that in the past year, 51% of businesses have stopped buying at least one insurance cover
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Mar 07, 2023

Light commercial vehicles - managing the safety and technology gap

We explore the current trends in light commercial vehicles, including demand, safety, standards and managing new electric commercial vehicles.
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Feb 17, 2023

Theft is on the rise, so what can you do to protect yourself?

Over the past twelve months the UK has faced a number of unsettling economic changes. In this series we’ll investigate the most common types of theft that we’re seeing and advise on how best to mitigate them. First up is motor theft.
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person on laptop

Jan 27, 2023

The top risks for UK businesses in 2023

The Allianz Risk Barometer, an annual report identifying the top corporate risks for the year ahead, has identified the top risks for businesses in 2023. Here we look at the top five risks identified by UK participants.
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ev parking spaces

Jan 23, 2023

Going electric - considerations for fleet managers

Switching to an electric fleet can bring considerable benefits to an organisation, its employees, customers, and the environment. But, as it’s a significant transition, there are plenty of considerations for fleet managers
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Jan 20, 2023

Preparing for winter weather - including potential energy blackouts

Taking simple precautions to prepare for winter weather can significantly reduce the risk of damage to property. We’ve put together some guidance on protecting properties during the winter months.
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person on laptop

Jan 09, 2023

Spotting something 'phishy' - keeping businesses safe

What exactly is ‘phishing’, how do you recognise it, and what’s the best way to avoid being caught out?
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motorway in the morning

Dec 07, 2022

What's driving motor claims inflation?

We’ve created a handy guide, in which we examine significant themes and factors influencing motor claims inflation, plus potential impacts for the insurance industry and its customers.
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146 releases in total